University Of Miami_January 1949 to January 1953L) l\ tluJ" i ty d - d\1 an�� UNIVERaITY:OF MIAMI 1;. Book Page University of Miami Drama Dept's. request to lease Pier during summer for producing plays is referred to City Manager with power to act 1/5/'+9 27 276 Resolution to be prepared endorsing efforts to have U of Miami and U of Florida games played in Miami on a permanent basis 9/20/50 30 78 UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI 2. Book Page Res: #7284 adopted, re. playing of U of Miami-- U of Florida games on permanent basis in Miami 10-4-50 30 89 No action on request for annual contribution 17 University of Miami 7-2-52 33 131 Public Relations Adv. Committee recommends that City Council contri- bute $2,500. toward cost of U. Of M. tourist survey in Greater Miami area. No action. 1-21-53 33 477