University Of Miami_March 1953 to November 1955UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI 3.
Book Page
$2,500 appropriated toward continuing
tourist survey to be conducted by
Univ. of Miami, in cooperation with
advisory tourist research committee.
City of Miami will contribute like
amount toward survey. Recommended
by Pub. Rel. Adv. Committee
3-25-53 34 127
Previous allocation of $2,500. to aid
in research work relative to the
tourist industry released to Univ.
of Miami without condition that City
of Miami make same contribution
5-6-53 34 227
Book Page
$1,000. allocation to University of
Miami authorized, expense of sending
band to New York for Fordham game
10-7-53 35 65
Appropriation of $2,500.00 authorized
to aid Univ. of Miami in making tourist
survey 10-21-53 35 106
Students of U of M request use of
Lummus Park bet. 9th and 12th Sts.
for Spring festival activities on
April 30, 1954. Request denied.
4-21-54 35 431
No action taken by Council in re.
appropriation for Univ. of Miami
Tourist Survey. Further discussions
to be held between City Mgr. and Dr.
Reinhold P. Wolff
Book Page
11-5-54 36 326
$2,500 allocation for University of
Miami Athletic Fund made available
(1955-56 Budget) 11-16-55 37 452