Urban Renewal Program_May 1965 to December 1966URBAN RENEWAL PROGRAM Book Wage Mayor Richard reports re. his recent trip to Washington, D. C. with regard to Urban Renewal program. 5-19-65 49 82 City representative to attend Urban Renewal meeting on 12/15/65. 12-1-65 49 464 1 Res. #11949 adopted re. South Shore General Renewal Plan, said resolution required step to accompany application for planning funds for General Neighborhood Renewal Plan Study. 9-21-66 51 57 URBAN RENEWAL PROGRAM 4 Book Page City Mgr. suggests Council Committee & members of city's staff meet with officials of HUD in Atlanta to review every aea of Federal program with which City is concerned, and City Mgr's recommendation approved by Council. 10-5-66 51 75 Res. #11960 adopted and sent to all Senators and Members of House of Representatives, representing Florida, endorsing Housing and Urban Renewal Act. 10-12-66 51 101 5 URBAN RENEWAL PROGRAM Book Page Open Space Projects and Urban Renewal Status report filed by City Mgr. 11-2-66 51 153 Res. #11988 re. recertification of Workable Program for Community Improvement required by Dept. of Housing and Urban Development. 11-23-66 51 179 /Res. #12009 adopted requesting appointment of Metropolitan Expediter in accordance with provisions of Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act. 12-15-66 51 280