Utility Tax_September 1969 to October 1979UTILITY TAX re increase: deferred to 9-24-69. ORD.1785: increase to 5% as of 10-1-69. 3 Meeting date 9-17-69 9-30-69 0RD.1849,amending Sec.41.37, levying 5% utility tax on fuel oil sales to pur- chaser, from 10-1-70. 9-29-70 Efforts to increase utility taxes fail 9/30/71 Ord. 1935 adopted approving increase effective 10/1/72 from 5% to 7%. 9/2;/72 Emergency ord. raising utility tax from 6/2/76 current 7%, failed on first reading. UTILITY TAX 4 Date Ord. No. 76-2072 adopted as an emergency mea- 9/30/76 sure, increasing tax from 7% to 9% on all electric, gas, fuel oil and telephone sales that are made on and after Oct. 15, 1976. (p.56) Ms. Annie Lorber to discuss increase in 11/3/76 utilities taxes. To be scheduled for 11/24/76. Mrs. Lorber appeared and read a statement re: 11/24/76 recent increase in Utility Taxes, (set by Coun- cil 11/3/76). She was asked to meet with City Atty. for further discussion of matter follow- ing which he will submit a summary to Council. UTILITY TAX Mr. William Finkelstein appeared and suggested that the 2% utility tax increase be rescinded and that the unused 1976-77 budgeted funds for operation of Rent Control Administration be utilized to offset reduction in revenue that would result from rescission of utility tax increase. 5 Date 11/24/76 Ord. #79-2180 adopted, as amended, as an e- 10/3/79 mergency measure for billings on meter readings on or after 11/5/79, amending Sec. 41-37 of the Code of CM.B., Fla., (electricity, metered or bottled gas (natural or manufactured, fuel oil, and telephone service to(9.5%)).