"W" Miscellaneous_December 1969 to January 1973"W" MISCELLANEOUS Dr. Wickler appearance re campaigns. 79 Meeting date 12-17-69 Revy Wikler appearance, requested housing conference; Mayor suggested she make proposal to Housing Authority, return at next meeting of CC.- Mayor requested subsequent recommendation from Housing Authority. for Anthony Wilcox presentation /over and above call of duty. 1-7-70 10-7-70 'iW i MISCELLANEOUS $0 Meeting date Paul Wimbish (Taxpayers Assn) appear- ance re TDA, City's auditing procedures. 3-3-71 Re: Wofford Beach Hotel, Council heard tenants and/or their representatives re- quest City to aid them in their problems. 1/17/73 Council advised all present that City was already providing such services as legally possible, and Mayor Hall indicated (concurred in by Atty), that City Council could not legally lend any financial assistance to them. 1/17/73 Remedial legislation requested - RES. 73-13865 adopted, calling on State Legislature to enact remedial legislation to prevent further her occur - en ce of cy�rdtagea8hwbb elhlena>�tfSfecte 1/17/7'