Voucher Signatures_November 1957 to August 1958VOUCHER SIGNATURES Book Res. #9627 providing for the signing of certain Library Account Vouchers by Ruth Perry as Acting Head Librarian instead of Bertha Aldrich 11-6-57 4o Res. #9682 providing for signature of Oscar Everhart,Associate Librarian, on Library Account vouchers 1-22-58 40 Res. #9719 providing for signature of Morris N. Lipp as City Mgr. on General Bank Account vouchers 2-19-58 40 Res. #9720 providing for Mr. Lipp's signature on water meter account vouchers 2-19-58 40 6. Page 102 235 301 303 VOUCHER SIGNATURES Res. #9721 providing signature on Library vouchers Res. #9739 providing of 0. M. Pushkin, as on vouchers drawn on general City accounts, Special Water Meter Account and Special Library Account4-2- 8 40 Res. #9740 providing for signature of 0. M. Pushkin on Water Meter Account Res. #9741 providing for signat u e 40 of Om. Pushkin on Library Account 4-2-58 4o 7. Book Page for Mr. Lipp's account 2-19-58 4o 303 for signature Asst City Mgr. 366 368 368 VOUCHER SIGNATURES 8. Book Page Res. #9793 changing name of Auditorium Trust Account in Mercantile Bank to "City of Miami Beach Auditorium and Exhibition Hall Trust Account" 6-18-58 4o 477 Res. #9826 authorizing signing of vouchers by Braxton Leddy and Raymond Shea 8-6-58 41 45 Res. #9827 authorizing signing of vouchers drawn on "Meter Account" 8-6-58 41 46 Res. #9828 authorXzing signing of, vouchers drawn on Library Account 8 41 47