Voucher Signatures_July 1964 to March 1966VOUCHER SIGNATURES 12.
Book Page
Res. *11256 providing authorization for
signing of vouchers drawn on Jefferson
National Bank 7-1-64 47 111
Res. #11344 adopted providing for
authority for the signing of vouchers
drawing on funds in City depositories,
to enable use of facsimile signatures.
12-16-64 47 392
Res. #11376 adopted authorizing signatures
on vouchers for withdrawal of funds on
deposit in the 4 Savings & Loan Associations
2-3-65 48 352
Book Page
Res. 411463 adopted authorizing use
of facsimile signatures on checks
drawn on Bank of Miami Beach
4-7-65 48 522
Res. 411616 adopted providing for
signature of Irving Ducoff, Auditorium
and Convention Hall, Mgr. on certain
bank accounts. 9-15-65 49 288
Res. 411698 providing authority for
signing of vouchers drawn on accounts
in city depositories. 1-5-66 50 4
Book Page
Res. # 11710 providing for signatures
on vouchers drawn on Auditorium & Cony. Hall
Trust Account. 1-13-66 50 36
Res. *11717 providing for signatures
on vouchers drawn on City accounts.
1-19-66 50 52
Res. 411787 providing for authority for
signing of vouchers after April 1, 1966.
3-16-66 50 197
Res. 411788 providing authority for
new bank account "Auditorium -Convention
Hall Payroll Account" and providing for
signatures on vouchers drawn/on account.
3-16-66 50 198