Voucher Signatures_April 1966 to March 1967VOUCHER 8TaTATURE8 15
Book Page
Res. #11813 amending Res. ##11788
providing for signatures on vouchers
on new Auditorium and Convention Hall
Labor Payroll Account. 4-13-66 50 232
Res. #$11851 adopted authorizing voucher
signatures, Auditorium & Convention Hall
account, and rescinding Res. #11710.
5-18-66 50 329
Res. #11869 providing for signatures
on vouchers for withdrawal of funds
from certain a/c in Mercantile designated
M.B.Auditorium & Convention Hall Labor
Payroll Account 6-22-66 50 371
Book Page
Res. #11870 providing for signatures
on vouchers drawing on funds in City
of M. B. depositories to include that of
R. H. Oldland, City Mgr. 6-22-67 50 372
Res. #12021 providing for signatures of
Lurana Pohzehl, City Clerk & Finance Director
and Geo. Heinold as Deputy City Clerk &
Finance Director, on vouchers of City
effective 1/19/67. 1-4-67 51 307
Res. #12058 providing for signature of
Ruth B. Rouleau as City Clerk -Finance
Director on vouchers for funds in City
depositories, etc. 3-1-67 51 415
Res. #12069 providing for facsimile signatures
of Robt. H. Oldland on City of Miami Beach
Payroll Account on or after April 1, 1967.
3-22-67 51 438
Res. #12070 providing for signing of vouchers
by Ruth B. Rouleau as City Clerk & Finance
Director on or after April 1, 1967.
3-22-67 51 438
Res. #12071 providing for signatures on
vouchers drawing upon investment share
accounts by Ruth B. Rouleau as City Clerk -
Finance Director and Robt. H. Oldland as
City Mgr. 3-22-67 51 440