Voucher Signatures_September 1967 to May 1971VOUCHER SIGNATURES Res. 12233 providing for facsimile signatures of Robt. H. Oldland on vouchers until new signature plate & vouchers are available. 9/6/67 Res. 12234 providing for signature of Mr. Duffield as City Manager & Mrs. Florence M. Gordon as Executive Sec'y. on or after 10/5/67. 18, BOOK PAGE 52 262 9/6/67 52 262 Res. 12235 providing for signatures of J. C. Duffield as City Manager & Florence M. Gordon as Executive Secretary re. accounts in savings & loan associations on or after 9/7/67. 9/6/67 52 264 VOUCHER SIGNATURES Res. 12236 providing for use of facsimile signature of J. C. Duffield on Account in Mercantile designated City of Miami Beach Payroll Acct. on or about 10/5/67. 9/6/67 52 265 Action on resolutions for voucher signatures deferred to 5/1/68. 4-17-68 53 147 Res. #12418 providing for signatures on vouchers in CMB depositories effective 4/17/68 (repealing Res. #12234). 53 161 Res. #12419 providing for signatures on 19. -- BOOK PAGE VOUCHER SIGNATURES 20 Res. #12419 providing for signatures on withdrawals of funds from 4 Savings & Loan Ass'ns. (repealing Res. #12235). 5-1-68 53 162 Res. #12729 providing for signatures on withdrawals of funds from Savings & Loan Ass'ns(to include signature of C. W. O'Key) 5-21-69 54 441 Res. #12731 proves for City Mgr. O'Key signature on vouchers drawn on funds in city depositories on & atter 6/9/69. 5-21-69 54 Res. #13269 authorizing Larry Kosloski, Asst.Mgr. Aud.-Conv. Hall, to co-sign checks. 5-5-71 441