Voucher Signatures_April 1972 to March 1973VOUCHER SIGNATURES 21. Meeting Date 5 iginted3Wti aisgd, providing signatures to include Payroll acct. in Mercantile Nat'l. Bank; adding Mr. Popper as signer instead of late Ray Shea; rescinding resolu- tions in conflict. RES. No. 13610 adopted, establishing signa- tures for withdrawing funds from investment share accounts in four Savings & Loan Assocs. (adding Mr. Sol Popper as Exec. Asst.to the City Mgr. and deleting name of late Raymond V. Shea); repealing resolutions in conflict. 5/3/72 4/l9/72 VOUCHER SIGNATURES 22 Meeting Date RES. No. 13650 adopted, providing for signatures on vouchers drawing on the various accoounts i nnPanti mer i c.w' griles, including the RES. No. 13801 adopted authorizing signatures on Auditorium and Exhibition Hall Trust A/C in Carner Bank by adding Vernon Stultz to co-sign checks; rescinding RES. 13269; deleting a portion of RES. No. 13650, re: Auditorium and Exhibition Hall Trust Account in Carner. RES. 13802 authorizing F.R.Spence as Acting City Mgr. on vouchers at various a/c's in City depositories effective 11/1/72 6/21/72 11/1/72 11/1/72 VOUCHER SIGNATUM1 23 Meeting Date RES. 13807 adopted authorizing signature of F.R.Spence as Acting City Mgr. on vouchers withdrawing funds from 4 Savings and LoanAssns. 11/1/72 Voucher signatures - Auditorium & Exhibition Hall Trust Account RES. 13850 adopted, deleting Larry Kosloski from voucher authorization; providing for withdrawals on accounts on and after 12/20/72; and repealing Section 1 of Res. 13801, adopted on 11/1/72. 12/20/72 Res. 73-13938, including Dodd A. Southern, Ass't. City Mgr. as an authorized signature in withdrawals of funds from City of M.B. accounts in City depositories. 3/7/73