Voucher Signatures_January 1976 to February 1977VOUCHER SIGNATURES (continued) authority for signing vouchers drawn on account in Intercontinental Bank of M.B. designated "City of Miami Beach Convention Center Trust Account". Res. #76-14991 adopted, repealing Res. #75-14691 and 75-14703, providing authority for signing vouchers drawing on funds in CMB depositories. Res. #76-14992 adopted, repealing Res. #75-14692, providing authority for signing vouchers drawing on funds in Savings and Loan Associations in CMB accounts. 27 Date 1/7/76 3/17/76 3/17/76 VOUCHER SIGNATURES 28 Date Memo #5781, Res. #76-15077 adopted, establishing 7/7/76 imprest checking account for Social Services Division. Res. #76-15120 adopted, providing authority for 9/1/76 signing vouchers drawing on funds in CMB deposi- tories, rescinding Res. #&6-14991 of 3/17/76. Res. #76-15121 adopted, providing authority for 9/1/76 signing vouchers drawing on funds in Savings and Loan Associations in CMB accounts, rescinding Res. #76-14992 of 3/17/76., C.anat23f Memo #6074, Res. #76-15210 adopted, establishing 12/8/76 special imprest checking account for Rec. Div. VOUCHER SIGNATURES Memo #5943, establishment of savings account in connection with Conv. Hall checking account, (deferred from 10/20/76). Approved. Providing authority for signing of Vouchers drawing on funds in CMB Depositiories. De- ferred to Feb. 2, 1977, per request of City Mgr. 28-A Date 11/3/76 1/19/77 Res. #77-15255 adopted providing authority for 2/2/77 signing of vouchers drawing on funds in CMB depositories. Res. #77-15256 adopted providing authority for 2/2/77 signing of vouchers drawing on funds in CMB