Voucher Signatures_February 1977 to January 1979VOUCHER SIGNATURES 29 (continued) Date Savings and Loan Associations accounts. 2/2/77 Res. #77-15374 adopted, amending Res. #76-15210, 6/22/77 which authorized creation and maintenance of imprest checking account for Recreation Div. with Pan American Bank, so as to substitute certain required signatures. Res. #77-15459 adopted, authorizing creation 10/5/77 and maintenance of imprest checking account for Cultural Affairs division with Pan Ameri- can Bank of M. B.(See Cultural Arts Advisory Committee) VOUCHER SIGNATURES 30 Date Res. #78-15532 adopted, providing authority for 2/1/78 signing vouchers drawing on funds in City Deposi- tories, effective Feb. 1, 1978. Res. #78-15533 adopted, providing authority for 2/1/78 signing vouchers drawing on funds in Savings & Loan Assn., in City of Miami Beach accounts, effective Feb. 1, 1978. Res. #78-15668 adopted, providing authority 7/19/78 for signing vouchers drawing on funds in City depositories, effective July 19, 1978. Res. #78-15669, adopted, providing authority 7/19/78 VOUCHER SIGNATURES (continued) for signing vouchers drawing on funds in Sav- ings & Loan Assn. in CMB accounts, effective July 19, 1978. 31 Date 7/19/78 Res. #78-15684 adopted authorizing signatures 8/2/78 of Social Services Div. for imprest checking account. Memo #7282, Res. #79-15809 adopted, authorizing 1/3/79 creation and maintenance of account with Inter- continental Bank of Miami Beach, and rescinding Res. #78-15684 re: designating City personnel as signatories for Special Social Services imprest checking account.