Voucher Signatures_February to December 1979VOUCHER SIGNATURES 32
Memo #7322, Res. #79-15823 adopted, 2/7/79
authorizing creation and maintenance of an im-
prest checking account for Cultural Affairs Divi-
sion with Pan American Bank of M. B. and repealing
Res. #77-15459.
Memo #7351, Res. #79-15834 adopted, providing 2/21/79
authority for signing of vouchers drawing on
funds in CMB Depositiories and rescinding
Res. #78-15668.
Res. #79-15835 adopted, providing authority 2/21/79
for signing of vouchers drawing on funds in
S & L Associations in CMB accounts, and
(continued) Date
rescinding Res. #78-15669. 2/21/79
Memo #7592, Res. #79-15965 adopted, amending 7/18/79
Res, #76-14917 by adding name of D. Wayne
Lunsford, Convention Center Assistant Director;
and correcting title of Norman Litz from Con-
vention Center Executive Director to Convention
Center Director, who shall have authority to
countersign vouchers drawing on account in
Intercontinental Bank of M.B. designated "City
of Miami Beach Convention Center Trust Account".
Memo #7593, Res. #79-15966 adoEted, authorizing 7/18/79
creation and maintenance of an imprest checking
(continued) Date
account for Social Services Division with
Intercontinental Bank of Miami Beach; and
repealing Res. #79-15809. 7/18/79
Memo #7670, Res. #79-15998 adopted, amending 9/5/79
Res. #77-15374 being a resolution authorizing
creation and maintenance of an imprest check-
ing account for Recreation Division with Pan
American Bank of M.B.
#7926, Res. #79-16130 adopted, repealing
Res. #79-15823, and amending Res.779=15998,
being a resolution author zing creation and
maintenance of an imprest checking account
for Recreation Dept. with Pan American Bank
of M.B.