Vice Mayor Rotation_November 1971 to November 1976VICE MAYOR
Robert S. Goodman elected Vice -Mayor
for a two-year term. 11/17/71
Meeting Date
Discussion of the policy of rotating the
Vice-Mayorship among Council members on a yearly
basis and the selection of a Vice Mayor.
Council voted to defer consideration to
Nov. 15, 1972. 11/1/72
By unanimous vote, the Council determined that
the term of Vice Mayor shall be for a one-year
period from Nov. 7, 1973, and elected Harold
Rosen as Vice Mayor
Election of a Vice Mayor to fill vacancy crea-
ted by election of Harold Rosen as Mayor, term
expiring 11/4/75, deferred to 9/4/74 meeting. 8/21/74
Election of Vice -Mayor to fill vacancy created 9/4/74
by the election of Harold Rosen as Mayor
Murray Meyerson elected.
By unanimous vote, Dr. Leonard Haber was 11/5/75
elected as Vice Mayor.
qDuesteiscussdbnyi Qf a intm nt of ice m r r - 11/24/76
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to Dec. 8, 1976.