WaterWays (Use Of)_April 1969 to July 1972WATERWAYS (use of)
Book Page
Report from City Atty. re ambiguities in Zoning
Ord. re. boat docks and waterways, deferred to
April 16 1969. 4/2/69 54 326
Ord.controlling waterways pollution passed on
1st & 2nd reading. Ord. re. insurance coverage 54 378
for marine activities service public, passed
on 1st & 2nd readings. 5/7/69 54 380
City Atty. advised that amendment to Zon.Ord.
re. dolphins not needed at this time. 5/7/69 54 381
3rd reading of waterways ord. deferred to
6/18/69 at request of Malek. 5/21/69 54 437
Book Page
Ord.#1769 adopted, amending Ch. 7 of Code, to
provide standards controlling water pollution
& relating to houseboats. 6/18/69 55 4
Ord.#1770 amended Secs. 7.5 & 7.13 of Code to
set insurance requirements for marine vessels
serving public. 6/18/69 55 4
Meeting Day
Councilman Haber requested Dr. Weil as Chm. %
of Marine Bd. to investigate alleged reports
of refuse being dumped into the waters, as
well as the emptying of holding tanks into
the water, and to render a report as to whether
Wadi ljniigIrling, and what remedial action he