Washington Ave., Redevelopment_March to May 1979WASHINGTON AVE. REDEVELOPMENT 6
(continued) Date
schools, in conjunction with respective Washing-
ton Ave., Revitalization and Arthur Godfrey Rd.
plans. City Mgr. advised these are matters
presently being explored with School Brd., and
that they will be included in topics to be
discussed during the forthcoming Comprehensive
Recreation and Open Space Master Plan public
hearings. (See Schools - Public, Arthur Godfrey
Rd.) 3/7/79
Memo #7402, priority public improvements
for Washington Ave. Revitalization Plan. Ad-
ministration authorized to advertise for pro-
fessional services for the preparation of a
survey and construction drawings for lst yr.
(continued) Date
improvements, to be funded from Co. and City
Community Development Block Grants and other
City sources. 3/21/79
Memo #7410, Cinema Theater status report de-
tailing Administration actions to save Cinema
Theater. Administration authorized to submit
an application. Matching funds of $4,000 to
come trom Community Development Historic Preser-
vation Funds. (See Housing & Community Develop-
ment Act of 1974)
Memo #7512, surveying firm selection, Washington 5/16/79
Ave. Revitalization. Deferred to May 23, 1979,
(continued) Date
meeting. 5/16/79
Memo #7513, engineering consultant selection 5/16/79
Washington Ave. Revitalization. Deferred to
May 23, 1979 meeting.
Memo #7512, Administration authorized to nego- 5/23/79
tiate a contract with Zurwelle-Whittaker, Inc.,
surveying firm for Washington Ave. Revitalization.
Memo #7513, engineering consultant selection - 5/23/79
Washington Ave., Revitalization. Deferred to
June 6, 1979.