Washington Avenue Redevelopment_June 1979 to April 1980WASHINGTON AVENUE REDEVELOPMENT 9 Date Memo #7526, Res. #79-15934 adotamed, authori- 6/6/79 zing execution of contract wilt Zurwelle- Whittaker, Inc., for purpose of surveying services for "Washington Avenue Revitalization from 5th to 17th Street, HN -400h', to be funded from Community Development Fourth Year Block Grant Funds; estimated total first phase cost to not exceed $30,000. Memo #7513, engineering consultant selection - 6/6/79 Washington Ave., Revitalization. Deferred to 6/20/79, (no one firm received a sufficient number of votes to be designated). WASHINGTON AVENUE REDEVELOPMENT Memo #7513, engineering consultant selection Washington Ave. Revitalization (deferred from 6/6/79). Deferred to 7/18/79 for full Com- mission. 10 Date 6/2779 Memo #7513 dated 5/13/79, engineering consul- 7/18/79 tant selection - Washington Ave., Revitali- zation. Administration authorized to nego- tiate a contract with Carr Smith & Associates. Memo #7621, Res. #79-15984 adopted, authoriz- 8/1/79 ing execution of amended agreement with Carr, Smith & Associates, Inc. for professional services in connection with the revitalization WASHINGTON AVENUE REDEVELOPMENT (continued) of Washington Avenue. 11 Date 8/1/79 Memo #7730, Res. #79-16019 adopted, authorizing 9/19/79 execution of amendment to contract with Zurwelle- Whittaker, Inc., providing for incorporation into contract of language required by Dept. of Housing & Urban Development - for the purpose of survey- ing services for Washington Ave. Revitalization from 5th St. to 17th St., HN -400. (See U. S. Government) Mayor Meyerson announced City had received an 4/23/80 award from National League of Cities for Washington Ave., Revitalization Plan, which was presented last week to City Mgr. in New Orleans by Secretary of Housing & Urban