Washington Avenue South Shore Area_July 1960 to April 196111% h r,r) toil Pr va Shoiv WASHINGTON AVENUE SOUTH SHORE ASSN 1 Book Page Request for $5,000 to assist in campaign to get government workers to vacation in Miami Beach to be discussed with City Mgr. 7-20-60 43 147 Washington Avenue Associaton presents resolution commending City Mgr. Lipp, Hank Meyer and City employees regarding actions during and following Hurricane Donna. 10-5-60 43 275 /Requests Council give consideration to construction of branch library in South Shore area. 4-12-61 44 55 WASHINGTON AVE. SOUTH SHORE ASSN 2 Book Page Ray Redman asks Council to give consideration to adopting ordinance prohibiting trucks with billboard type signs from parking on streets in commercial areas as well as residential areas. 10-4-61 44 232 Resolution of Ass'n read asking Metro to acquire additional right-of-way for widening 5th St. and to start construction in 1962-63 fiscal year. Ass'n asks Council to adopt similar resolution. 4-18-62 44 468 Ray Redman asks Council to adopt legislation to b. sent to Feeral, authoities to pr ent anycd u rttier permits or highrise apt. blldgs. in M.B. which are financed by FHA. 7-5-62 45 13