Water_August 1960 to August 1963WATER 1st reading ordinance amending portion of Sec. 1 of Ordinance No. 1362 increasing water tapping charges. 8-3-60 43 179 3rd reading ordinance amending portion of Sec. 1 of Ord. #1362 increasing water tapping charges Ord. # 1386 8-17-60 58 Book Page 44 201 Renewal of cooperative agreement for continuation of water resources investigations approved for 1 year beginning July 1, 1961 thru June 30, 1962 8-2-61 44 162 WATER 59 Book Page Request that city install a new 20" water main in Surfside, from city limits to 96th St. and Collins Ave. taken under consideration. 7-18-62 45 14 Renewal of cooperative agreement for continuation of water resources investigations approved for one year from July 1, 1962 thru June 30, 1963 8-1-62 45 36 Renewal of agreement with U. S. Geological Survey for continuation of water resources investigation for period July 1,1963 thru June 30, 1964 approved. 8-7-63 46 66