Water_November 1963 to September 1964WATER
City Atty instructed
sections in proposed
affecting the City's
water. City Mgr. to
of City's opposition
City Atty.
Book Page
to oppose those
Metro ordinance
distribution of
write Commissioners
and instructions to
11-6-63 46 256
Clerk advises Council of new Unclaimed
Property Act which 1961 Legislature passed
regarding deposits held in trust. Says
City Atty rendered opinion that any Water
Deposit monies held by City & unclaimed by
owner for more than 15 years after termination
of water service were subject to provisions
of Sec. 717.05 (1) Florida Statutes.
2-19-64 46 435
Book Page
Councilman Turchin suggests City go to
the postcard type of water billing.
Proposal to be looked into.
3-4-64 46 446
New water tapping service rates
recommended. Appropriate amendment to
be prepared. Plumbing industry to be
notified. 5-6-64 47 41
1st reading ordinance increasing water
tapping charges.
3rd reading ordinance incre
topping fees.
Ord. #1515
6-3-64 47 72
asing water
6-17-64 47 97
Book Page
Renewal of agreement with U. S. Geological
Survey for continuation of Water Resources
investigation for period July 1, 1964
thru June 30, 1965 approved.
9-2-64 47 199
Discussion re. new ordinances increasing
license fees, etc. and providing for
elimination of 5% discount for early payment
of water bills and imposing 5% penalty on
past due payments. 9-17-64 47 256
3 readings given ordinance eliminating
5% discount, etc. as emergency measure.
Ord. #1523 adopted. 9-17-64 47 225