Water_March 1967 to March 1968WATER Book Page°
1st & 2nd reading ord. establishing
procedures for purchase of water by
neighboring municipalities. 3-1-67 51 416
Res. 412061 authorizing execution of
agreement with Oboler & Clarke for
designing water improvements. 3-1-67 51 420
Mayor and City Mgr. of Town of Surfside
appear re. purchase of water - informed
of passage of ordinance on 1st and 2nd
reading - to be sent copy of ordinance.
3-1-67 51 427
WATER Book Page
Ord. #1635 adopted providing for purchase of
water supply by any municipality at rate of
25 per 1,000 gallons. 3-22-67 51 448
Public Works Director, with approval of City
Mgr., authorized to adjust water bills, when
circumstances so dictate, and City Atty. to
prepare appropriate ordinance for 4/5/67
meeting. 3-22-67 51 455
1st & 2nd reading of ord. authorizing Public
Works Director to institute adjustments in
water rates, when circumstances so indicate.
4-5-67 51 481
WATER Book Page
Ordinance/adopted empowering Public Works
Director to make adjustments in water
bills for specific reasons.
4-19-67 51 554
Res. #12123 -authorizing agreement with
Town of Surfside for purchase of water.
52 25
Letter from State Board of Health re.
Sewage disposal citation received indicating
invitation to City to participate in Florida
Water Pollution Control Program. 3-20-68 53 86