Water_September 1970 to November 1971WATER 73 Meeting date ORD. 1850 amending Chap. 45 of Code, establishing schedule of water fire line charges. (see FIRE -LINE CHARGE card) 9-28-70 RES.13220 authorizing Co-op Agreement investigating water resources: CMB -Miami, U.S.Geological Survey: $4200. - Indian Creek Village: request by its Mayor for constructn of water supply line - deferred to 6-23. ...City Mgr to review, submit costs. WATER Efforts to increase water rate fail 3-3-71 6-2-71 6-23-71 Meeting Date 9/30/71 WATER RES.13428 authorizing Co-op Agreement re water resources thru 6-30-72 with CMB - Miami -U.S.: $4200. Indian Creek Village: alternate water supply - deferred to 12-8 at request of Surfside. Water line construction, 5th St., Alton to Collins: RES. 13450 for submission of plans. 74 Meeting date 10-20-71 11-17-71 11-17-71