Water_September 1972 to May 1973WATER RES. No. 13726 adopted, authorizing execu- tion of cooperative agreement with City of Miami and U. S. Geological Survey for 1 yr. period from 7/1/72. City's share $4,200. for investigation of water resources. Water rates increased by per 1000 gallon effec. 10/1/72 per Ord. No. 1936 Report submitted by City Mgr. re: protest of Surfside, Bal Harbour, No. Bay Village and Bay Harbor Islands to increase in wholesale water rate, etc., and that suits had been instituted by certain of the cities to enjoin the rate increase. Meetin 77 Date 9/6/72 9/25/72 12/20/72 WATER 78 Meeting Date Memo 4006 - Extension of contract furnishing water service to U.S.Coast Guard base in M.B. approved for 1 dyr. 7/1/73 to 6/30/74 (Futur, , 5/2/73 agreements handled administratively File 147 Memo 4015- authorization to enter into agree- ment with Miami -Dade water and sewer authority for installation & maintenance of 4 chlorina- tion booster states deferred to 5/16 5/2/73 Proposal from firm of Oboler & Clarke,lnc. consulting engineers, Miami, to conduct complete exam, study and evaluation of this City's water system & maintenance of accept- able water quality deferred to 5/16 WATER Memo 4015: Res. No. 73-14017 adopted re: authorization to enter into an agreement with Miami - Dade Water and Sewer authority for installation and maintenance of four chlorination booster stations. 5/16/73 Proposal from Oboler & Clarke, Inc., consulting engineers, Miami, to conduct complete examination, study & evaluation of city's water system and maintenance of acceptable water quality deferred to 6/6/73 Proposal from Oboler & Clarke, Inc.,consulting engineers, Miami, to conduct complete exam study and evaluation of this City's water 5/2/73 79 Meeting Date 5/16/73