Water_September 1975 to June 1976WATER 87-B
(cont'd) Date
and determinations of the City Council here-
inabove expressed. 9/25/75
Council approved increase in meter rates to 9/26/75
non -municipal consumers for water supply ser-
vice from 41c per 1,000 gallons to 48 per
1,000 gallons, and directed City Atty. to pre-
pare appropriate ord. for Oct. 1, 1975 agenda.
Memo #5371, Res. #75-14851 adopted, cooperative 11/5/75
agreement for investigation of Water Resources,
with Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Authority, &
U.S. Geological Survey 7/1/75 to 6/30/76.
Finding and determining, pursuant to Court
Order, that a rate of 48 per 1000 gallons of
water is a fair and reasonable rate to be
charged by CMB to outside Muncipal Customers
and directing City Atty. to take necessary
legal action. Res. #75-14904 adopted. City Mgr.
directed to arrange for appearance of members
of Council before Metro Commission to discuss
the emergency ord. adopted by Commission on
9/3/75, granting jurisdiction to Dade Co. Water
(continued) Date
and Sewer Brd. to regulate the rates charged
by municipally owned or operated utilities
to other municipalities. 12/17/75
(NOT ON AGENDA) Water rates cases - sales to 5/5/76
other Cities. City Atty. advised that cases
were being pursued before various bodies in-
volved, and that he would keep Council appris-
ed as to any developments.
(NOT ON AGENDA) Oral report by City Atty. ad- 6/16/76
vising that Florida Supreme Court has denied
No. Bay Village relief from that portion of Judge
Nathan's decree that City may make its in-
creased water rates retroactive, in accordance