Water_August to September 1977WATER 96
(continued) Date
Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Authority. 8/3/77
(ADD-ON) For information only. City Atty's 8/17/77
report re: Water Rate Case: Circuit Judge
Milton Rubin granted City's motion for Sum-
mary Judgment against North Bay Village and Bal
Bal Harbour for payment of 43 water rate for
period 10/1/72 to 9/2/75, representing payment
now due and owing the City, from North Bay Vil-
lage - $267,346.37 plus interest: from Bal
Harbour - $250,535.71 plus interst. City Atty.
verbally advised that moneys should be in City's
coffers by the end of the year.
Appearance of Mr. Morris White to request author- 9/7/77
ization to obtain hookup to M.B.'Sewer & Water
System in order to build a restaurant in No.
Bay Village. City Atty. advised that recent
judgment entered in the water rate case precluded
the City from granting the request until No. Bay
Village pays what it owes the City. Administra-
tion requested to review claim by Atty. Murray
Weil that hookups have been made during the liti-
gation, and to report to Council.
Report on request of Mr. Morris White made 9/21/77
9/7/77 for permit to hook up to M.B. Sewer
and Water System in order to build a restau-
rant in No. Bay Village. Council again heard
Atty. Murray Weil and Mr. White. City Atty.
reiterated recommendation that no action be
taken while matter is in the courts. No
action taken. 9/21/77
(Not on agenda) Oral report by City Atty. of 9/21/77
meeting held with Miami -Dade Water & Sewer
Authority re: City's opposition to request of
Town of Bay Harbor Islands and The Village of
Bal Harbour for the Water & Sewer Authority
to supply them with water, and of the hearing
to be held on Oct. 13, 1977 for the Authority's
final action on the request. Per suggestion of
Public Utilities Director, City Atty. authorized
to retain the services of Mr. Thomas Merlo with