Water_April to November 1979WATER (continued) want to negotiate. Permission granted by Com- mission to enable City Atty. to do whatever may be necessary --file suit against City of Surfside or negotiate. 111 Date 4/4/79 (NOT ON AGENDA) WATER RATES HEARING - Co. Atty. 4/25/79 Stuart Simon stated that he is authorized by Co. to inform the Commission that County is not going to look for payment of attorneys' fees as re- gards the water rates contempt hearing. (See Metro -Dade Co.) Memo #7544, Res. #79-15944 adopted, ratifying 6/6/79 the termination of water service contract with Town of Surfside, dated 5/17/67, with passage WATER 112 (continued) Date of Ord. ##1936, adopted 9/25/72; terminating said contract by adoption of this resolution if for any reason or defect in procedure, said contract has not been terminated, and directing City Mgr. and City Atty. to seek and obtain highest rate permissible by law for all water sold to Town of Surfside in past since 9/25/72, and for all water to be sold in future. (See Surfside, Town of) 6/6/79 Memo #7634, water rate settlement proposal -- 8/1/79 Bal Harbour and Bay Harbor Islands. Per Administration's recommendation, acceptance by City of settlement in approximate amount of #365,209 approved. WATER 1,13 Date (ADD ON) Memo #7791, Res. #79-16056 adopted, 10/17/79 authorizing final settlement in amount of $355,209. Further, City Mgr's recommendation approved for acquisition of equipment as enumer- ated in list attached to Commission Memo #7791, Bay Harbor and Bal Harbour Islands. Status of outstanding litigation liability: 11/21/79 R -10C. City Atty reported that a settlement had been reached with respect to retrospective water rates case with North Bay Village, and that a settlement was pending with respect to prospective rates. Following discussion, con- sideration deferred to Dec. 5, 1979, at which