Water Main Construction_May 1969i. )oLFer niCan Qc»si-t -1 WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION $17,550 appropriated from 1968 Bond funds for construction of 20" water main in 5th St. from West Ave. to Ocean Drive. (See Memo 2120 revised, re. monies from Royal Atlantic Inc. S.E.corner Ocean Dr. & 5th St.) 5/21/69 54 448 56 Book Page WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION 57 Meeting date Relocation water main, Z9th St. Causeway - approved exedution of contract with State Rd. Dept. and pay- ment of $7000.- RES. 12793 Ocean Dr. & 5th St.: RES.13029 for submission of plans. (see Fifth St. Widening) 79th St. Causeway: relocation of water main - agreement with Transportatn Dept.to change design to save costs. 7-16-69 6-3-70 1-20-71