Water Main Extensions_August 1961 to January 1968WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS 52 Book Page $4,546.00 authorized from 1959 Water Dept. Bond Funds for installation of water meter and main for 9 -hole golf course. 8-2-61 44 160 $1200. appropriated from 1959 Water Dept. bond funds for water main installation from n.w. cor. Convention Hall to point near New Garden Center building. 10-4-61 44 236 Request that city install a new 20" water main in Surfside, from city limits to 96th St. and Collins Ave. taken under consideration. 7-18-62 45 14 WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS 53 Book Page Res. 410948 authorizing application to State Road Dept. for permit to install water main south of the 2 small bridges on the 79th St. Causeway 3-20-63 45 380 Res. #10949 authorizing application to State Road Dept. for permit to install water main on W. side Collins Ave. between 51st and 55th Streets. 3-20-63 45 381 WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS 54 Book Page Res. 411040 authorizing and directing City Mgr. to make application to Corps of Engineers for permission to lay temporary 6" water main across the Municipal Ship Channel in order to supply Fisher's Island with water during the period the permanent sub. main is removed to clear dredging work in widening of channel. 8-21-63 46 78 Funds authorized for construction of 20" water main from north side of Collins Canal at Bay Road to 15th St. --$28,500, 9/1/59 bond issue and $39,000, 1967-68 budget account 3003. 1-17-68 52 525