Workshop Sessions (Council)_December 1971 to July 1972WORKSHOP SESSIONS (COUNCIL) Meeting date Council agreed to hold a workshop session on Jan. 13, 1972, at 1:30 p.m., to discuss projects for the develop- ment & growth of the community, & in- cluding bond issues. City Mgr. will consult with members of Council as to parties to whom invitations to make presentations will be sent. 12-22-71 WORKSHOP SESSIONS (COUNCIL) Meeting date Councilman Weinstein requested Administration to furnish Council with list of proposed bond issues, work items, projects, uncompleted bond issues, appraisals on condemnations in advance of Jan. 13th workshop session. 1-5-72 At request of Councilman Weinstein, City Mgr. to arrange workshop session when full Council can be present to discuss status of bond issues, capital improvements such as Convention 7/19/72 Hall addition, the marina, etc. City Mgr. requested to prepare list of items to be considered by Council at workshop, such as retention of architects. Also to recommend to Council inspection trips to be taken to