Workmen's Compensation_December 1968 to June 1969WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION Recommendation approved for extension of full salary benefits for Joel Gray, not to exceed an additional 13 -week period, effective December 22, 1968. 12-18-68 Resolution #12596 adopted authorizing settlement of claim, Edward Bason, total approximate amount of $980.00. 12-18-68 Resolution #12606 adopted authorizing settlement of claim, Clarence Eberhardt, $1,562.00 -- workmen's compensation approved. 1-2-69 9 BOOK PAGE 54 101 54 101 54 131 WORKMEN's COMPENSATION 10 BOOK PAGE Res. #12637 re settlement of W.C. claim, total amt. of $1,470 Clifford Roberts, Lifeguard). 2/13/69 54 192 Res. #12759 authorized claim settlement, Bertha Faibisch, $875.50 6/4/69 54 474 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION Book Page Extension of full pay benefits to Joseph Moscoto, Public Works Dept.,for addl. 13 -wk. pd. beginning 6/23/69, approved. 6/18/69 55 14 James Lee Hill settlement: $13,223.50 - RES. 12816. Ron Graffius settlement: $800.- Res.12886. Freddie Cromer settlement deferred to 3-4-70. Meeting date 8-20-69 11-5-69 2-18-70