Workmen's Compensation_September 1972 to June 1973WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION Res. No.13728 adopted approving settlement of Workmen's Compensation claim of Dennis Mayo, Beach Patrol Employee, $2,548. Res. No. 13727 adopted, approving settlement of Workmen's Compensation claim in case of John H. Makins, Park Dept. employee, $1,324. 9/6/72 Res. 13691 adopted, approving final settlement of Workmen's Comp. Claim by Edward Grant, Parks Dept. employee, total amount of $2,425. 8/2/72 City Atty's report that settlement of case re: Dennis Mayo approved by Council on 9/6/72 had not been acceptable by the claimant; new tentative 15 Meeting Date 9/6/72 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 16 Meeting Date agreement reached to settle case presented. 10/18/72 Res. No. 13786 adopted, authorizing City Atty. to enter into final settlement of Workmen's Compensation claim for a total of $3,312.41. 10/18/72 (re: above) RES. 13851 re: Curtis L. Hanks adopted, approv- ing settlement of Workmen's Comp. claim, in total amount of $700. City Atty's report filed with records of meeting. 12/20/72 Res. 73-13990 adopted re: request of Council's approval to enter into final settlement of W.C. claim of Public Works Dept. employee 011ie W. Smith. 4/18/73 WORKMEN"S COMPENSATION Res. 73-14043 adopted re: final settlement of_workmen's compensation for $1,663.50 in case of Eugene Zembruski, former Refuse Div. employee. 16A Meeting Date 6/29/73