Workmen's Compensation_May to December 1976WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 25 Date (NOT ON AGENDA) recommendation of lump sum 5/5/76 settlement of Workmen's Compensation claim for $3,835.00 re: Michael Blum v. CMB, Res. #76-15036 adopted. Res. #76-15096 adopted, re: recommendation to 7/21/76 settle Workmen's Compensation case of Phillip Weisz v CMB, for $4,290.00 as lump sum settle- ment. Res. #76-15123 adopted, recommendation of 9/1/76 settlement of Workmen's Compensation Claim of William Matuza v CMB, for $1,365, as lump sum. Res. #76-15124 adopted, recommendation of 9/1/76 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 26 (continued) Date settlement of Workmen's Compensation Claim of Jack Tuttle Hill v CMB, for $1,365, as lump sum. 9/1/76 Councilman Meyerson requested Administration to 9/15/76 place on 10/6 agenda, for discussion and policy decision, as well as recommendations of City Mgr. and City Atty. following matters: 1) Liability and/or Workmen's compensation insurance for off- duty policemen; 2) legal representation as re- quested by Building Inspection Div. during court appearances; 3) provision for City Prosecutor to be sworn in by State Atty. to handle City cases in County Court after Municipal Court is abolished Jan. 1, 1977, WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 27 Date Res. #76-15150 adopted, for recommendation of 106176 settlement of Workmen's Compensation claim for $4,517, as lump sum settlement in case of Michael Alvarez v City. Res. #76-15179 adopted, to settle workmen's 11/3/76 compensation claim of David Goldberg v City for $1,350 as a lump sum settlement. Res. #76-15211 adopted, to settle Workmen's 12/8/76 Compensation claim of Daniel Resavage v CMB, for $4,810 as lump sum settlement. Appearance of Mr. Stephen Slepin, or his rep- 12/8/76 resentative, special counsel for Workmen's