Workmen's Compensation_April to October 1978WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 34
Res. #7$-15595 adopted, authorizing acceptance 4/5/78
of final settlement stipulation of $9,100.00
in connection with Workmen's Compensation claim
of former employee, Raymond Trotter.
Res. #78-15596 adopted, authorizing acceptance 4/5/78
of final settlement stipulation of $52,000.00
in connection with Workmen's Compensation claim
of former employee, Sheldon Goldstein. Com-
missioner Weinstein suggested that the Admini-
stration consider feasibility of City partici-
pating in an insurance program for Workmen's
Compensation, and requested City Atty. to sub-
mit a report on procedural aspect of handling
Workmen's Compensation claims and cases.
(continued) Date
Commissioner Malek requested a report as to
how many claims are pending and potential
liability. 4/5/78
Res. #78-15605 adopted, authorizing acceptance 4/19/78
of final settlement stipulation of $4,905 in
connection with Workmen's Compensation claim
of former employee, Gilberto Gorritz.
Res. #78-15689 adopted, authorizing settlement 8/2/78
of Workmen's Compensation claim of former City
employee Nicholas Chironis, Claim No. 088-20-6502,
D/A: 6/29/77, File No. WC -30. Total settlement:
Res. #78-15690 ado ted, authorizing settlement 8/2/78
agreement of Workmen s Compensation claim of
former City employee James Harkins, Claim No.
211-22-8361, Total settlement: $5,000. Com-
missioner Wikler requested a report evaluating
the advantages of the City's present self-in-
surance program as opposed to carrying insurance
for this purpose, report to also set forth what
advantages there are to the City's present method
of settling Workmen's Compensation claims, as
opposed to having claimants resort to litigation.
Res. #78-15734 adopted, re: settlement of Work- 10/4/78
men's Compensation claim of City Employee,
Gordon F. Ridge, Police Officer,