Workmen's Compensation_October 1978 to April 1979WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION (continued) Claim No. 228-32-0911, D/A - 10/21/75, File No. WC -50, total settlement: $8,100. (Claim- ant - $6,500; Claimant's Atty., - $1,600) 10/4/78 Authorizing acceptance of final settlement 10/18/78 stipulation in connection with Workmen's Com- pensation claim of Sidney Sussman against CMB. Claim No. 262-11-1458, D/A: 12/5/77. $2,600 - Claimant; $665 - attorney's fee. Not reached. Deferred to 10/19/78. Res. #78-15747 adopted, authorizing settle- 10/19/78 ment agreement of Sidney Sussman, see entry of 10/18/78. 37 Date WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION Res. #78-15773 adopted, authorizing acceptance of final settlement stipulation in connection with Workmen's Compensation claim of Frank Rivers against the CMB. Claim No. 267-26-3499, D/A: 5/26/77, total settlement: $25,000 (Claimant - $20,000; claimant's attorney - $5,000). 38 Date 1178 (NOT ON AGENDA) Res. #78-15802 adopted, author- 12/20/78 izing acceptance of final settlement stipulation in connection with Workmen's Compensation claim of Richard Birnbaum against CMB. Claim #395-34-5145, D/A: 4/16/74. Total settlement: $12,825 (claimant - $10,500; Claimant's Atty.- $2,325.) WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 39 Date Res. #79-15863 adopted% authorizing acceptance 3/21/79 of finalsettlement stipulation. Claim of City Employee Jesus Ortiz, Claim No. 261-98-0678, D/A; 6-24-75, File No. WC -26, total settlement: $5,750.00 ($4,600 to claimant, $1,150 for claim- ant's attorney's fee). Res. #79-15873 adopted, authorizing acceptance 4/4/79 of final settlement stipulation of Workmen's Compensation claim of City employee Richard Dixon, Claim No. 223-70-3021, D/A: 11-29-76 Total settlement: $5,390.00 ($4,312.00 to claimant, $1,078 for claimant's atty's fee).