Workmen's Compensation_April to July 1979WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 3 Date Memo #7472, recommendation of settlement of 4/25/79 Workmen's Compensation claim of City employee Charles Press, Claim No. 264-92-1735, D/A: 9-23-77, 10-9-77 and 1-12-78 total settlement: $4,908.75 ($3,927.00 to claimant and $981.75 for claimant's attorney fee). Not reached. Deferred to May 2, 1979. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 46 Date Memo #7472, dated 4/25/79, Res. #79-15908 5/2/79 adopted re: settlement of Workmen's Compensa- tion claim of City employee Charles Press, Claim No. 264-92-1735, D/A; 9-23-77, 10-9-77 and 1-12-78, total settlement: $4,908.75 ($3,927.00 to claimant, $60.00 to Dr. Samuel Leone for outstanding medical bill, and $981.75 for claimant's atty. fee). Memo #7543, Res. #79-15943 adopted, authorizing 6/6/79 acceptance of final settlement stipulation claim of City employee Willie Williams, Claim No. 267-70-1497, D/A: 12-12-77, total settlement: $4,462.50 ($3,570.00 to claimant and $892.50 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 41 (continued) Date for claimant's attorney fee) 6/6/79 Memo #7607, Administration's recommendation 7/18/79 approved re: negotiate a contract with Florida League of Cities and prepare changes in City ordinances as a result of contract. (See Fla. League of Cities, Insurance) Memo #7610, Res. #79-15975 adopted, authoriz- 7/18/79 ing acceptance of final settlement stipulation re: claim of former City employee Robert H. Pair, Claim No. 229-70-0792, D/A: 5/1/78, total settle- ment: $1,929.37 ($1,543.50 to claimant and $385.87 for claimant's attorney fee).