Workmen's Compensation_July to September 1979WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 42
Memo #7611, Res. #79-15976 adopted, authoriz- 7/18/79
ing acceptance of final settlement stipulation
re: claim of City employee M. C. Bowles, Claim
No. 265-22-8746, D/A: 2/26/78, total settlement:
$747.83 plus waiver of Third Party lien (waiver
of lien to claimant and $747.83 for claimant's
attorney fee).
Memo #7623, Commission approved the membership 8/1/79
application to Fla. League of Cities Municipal
Self -Insurer's Fund as of 8/1/79 for the pro-
spective program. Res. #79-15986 adopted,
authorizing agreement with League's agent,
Risk Management Services, Inc., to admini-
strate all of the City's open or outstanding
(continued) Date
workmen's compensation claims as of 8/1/79.
(See Fla. League of Cities) 8/1/79
Memo #7637, Res. #79-15988 adopted, author- 8/1/79
izing acceptance of final settlement stipu-
lation of former City employee Thomas L. Tofexis,
Claim No. 527-74-1372, D/A: 7/15/77, total
settlement: $500.00 to City and waiver of
City's Third Party Lien.
Memo #7638, Res. #79-15989 adopted, author- 8/1/79
izing acceptance of final settlement stipu-
lation of former City employee Laura Silk,
Claim No. 057-18-8647, D/A: 7/5/78, total
settlement: $375.00 ($300.00 to claimant,
(continued) Date
$75.00 for claimant's attorney's fee). 8/1/79
Memo #7704, Ord. passed on 1st reading, 9/5/79
amending Ord. #1613, as amended, the same
being the Annual Leave Ord. for Unclassified
employees, by retitling Ord. #1613, as amended,
reassigning various duties relating to service -
connected injury benefits; providing for a
method of determining an employee's entitle-
ment to Worker's Compensation; revising eli-
gibility requirements for service -connected
injury pay and providing for such pay to be
named "Supplemental Injury Pay"; repealing
all ordinances in conflict and providing for
an effective date. Hearing and second