Workmen's Compensation_September 1979WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 45
(continued) Date scheduled -for 9/19/79 at 2:00 p.m.
(See Annual Leave) 9/5/79
Ord. passed on 1st reading amending Ord. 9/5/79
#1335, as amended, the same being the
Annual Leave Ord. for Classified Employees,
by retitling Ord. #1335, as amended; by
reassigning various duties relating to
service -connected injury benefits; pro-
viding for a method of determining an
employee's entitlement to Worker's Compensa-
tion; revising the eligibility requirements
for service -connected injury pay and provid-
ing for such pay to be named "Supplemental
Injury Pay"; repealing all ordinances in
(continued) Date
conflict and providing for an effective date.
Hearing and second reading scheduled for
9/19/79 at 2:00 p.m. (See Annual Leave) 9/5/79
Memo #7709, Res. #79-16010 adopted, recom- 9/5/79
mendation of settlement of Workmen's Compen-
sation claim of former City employee
William Murray, Claim No. 103-18-8993, D/A;
2/12/76 total settlement: $650.90 ($500.00
to claimant and $150.00 for claimant's atty's
Memo #7710, R -s. #79-16011 adopted, recom- 9/5/79
mendation of settlement of Workmen's
Compensation claim of City employee David Lee
Donaldson, Claim No. 267-15-8958, D/A: /20/74;
total settlement: $1,469.00, ($1,130.00 to
claimant and $339.00 for claimant's atty's
Memo #7704, hearing held and concluded; Ord. 9/19/79
#79-2173 adopted, amending Ord. #1613, as
amended, the same being the Annual Leave Ord.
for Unclassified Employees; by retitling Ord.
#1613, as amended; reassigning various duties
relating to service -connected injury benefits;
providing for a method of determing an em-
ployee's entitlement to Worker's Compensation;