Youth Center_March 1975 to January 1976YOUTH CENTER 12 (cont'd) Date Councilman Dr. Haber suggested that some indi- vidual might make a contribution in the form of a tangible art object which could be placed in the building in a special place in memorAry of Mayor Hall. Councilman Meyerson suggested that some form of sculpture might be proper expendi- ture under Co. ordinance which provides for the expenditure of 12% of the cost for art in a building. Motion to name center in Mayor Hall's 3/19/75 memory approved. Memo #5296, M.B. Youth Center, PB -74, Change 9/3/75 Orders #7 for $9,584.40 and #8 for $335.60, approved, increasing contract from $2,284,695.49 to $2,294,615.49. YOUTH CENTER 13 Date Mayor Rosen stated he had been advised that 1/7/76 the ice skating rink at this facility is too small. Public Works Dir. appeared and at con- clusion of his review of plans for this acti- vity, recommended that no changes be made in its present size, stating that valuable spec- tator space would have to be relinquished if it is to be enlarged, and to do so at this late date would be costly and estimated $70,000 as the cost. Councilman Spaet requested a re- port from the Admin. as to estimated costs for utilities to keep this activity in operation. Memo #5505, request for additional appropria- 1/21/76 tion for M.B. Youth Center, PB -74, of $120,000 YOUTH CENTER 14 (continued) Date from March 14, 1972 Parks and Recreation Bond Account, approved. 1/21/76 Ms. Nancy Liebman presented prepared statement 2/4/76 relative to new Youth Center and requested creation of Ad Hoc Youth Center Committee. City Mgr. and City Atty. to meet with Ms. Liebman to discuss guidelines as to composition, number of members, duties, etc. City Atty. requested to prepare resolution for creation of Ad Hoc Com- mittee, for Council's consideration at 2/18/76 meeting. Admin. requested to prepare point -by - point response to Ms. Liebman's statements.