Youth Center_March to May 1976YOUTH CENTER
Memo #5568, Youth Center Change Orders No. 9 and
10, approved.
Appearance by Parks and Rec. Director re: Ad
Hoc Youth Center Advisory Committee; extended
an invitation to Council to, 1) tour the Youth
Center facilities on Friday, April 2, 1976 at
3:00 p.m. following which there will be a
meeting of the Committee at 4:00 p.m. and 2)
attend a meeting of the Committee to be held
on April 13, 1976 at 11:00 a.m. Public hearing
was called for May 5, 1976 at 4:00 p.m. for the
purpose of discussing guidelines and policy for
operation of Youth Center.
Discussion of guidelines and operation of New 5/5/76
Youth Center. Hearing held and concluded.
Workshop meeting scheduled to be held on Tues-
day, May 18, 1976, at 5:00 p.m. City Atty. and
Admin. requested to provide Council with an-
swers to various questions raised by members of
the public as well as Council members. Members
of Ad Hoc Youth Center Advisory Committee asked
to be present.
Memo #5684, Youth Center, Change Order #11, 5/19/76
(deferred from 5/5/76), in amount of $7,061.00,
approved,(to provide additional bracing and
supports for 6 new ceiling -suspended basketball
backstops) increasing contract from $2,297,144.15
to $2,304,205.15.
Discussion on Youth Center Guidelines and Fees. 5/19/76.
Proposed guidelines submitted by Ad Hoc Commit-
tee reviewed by Council. Some recommendations
approved in toto; some revised by way of dele-
tion or amendment. Committee and Admin. re-
quested to 1) review matter of doubling pro-
posed fees so as to reduce projected operating
deficit; 2) staffing; 3) hours of operation.
City Clerk will furnish Admin. with details of
Council action and directions. Councilman
Meyerson suggested that funds usually budgeted
for community school activities be designated
for operation of Youth Center, and he requested