Youth Center_May to September 1976YOUTH CENTER 18
(continued) Date
a report as to how moneys are used. V. M. Haber
designated Councilman Meyerson and himself as a
Councilmanic committee to explore possibility
of participation by local School of Education
University students in staffing at Youth Center. 5/19/76
Memo #5733, Youth Center Change Order No. 12, 6/2/76
in amount of $779.00 approved, increasing con-
tract from $2,304.205.15 to $2,304.984.15.
Memo #5734, Youth Center Change Order No. 13, 6/2/76
extending contract for 60 days from 4/27/76
to 6/26/76, approved.
Status report rendered by Councilmanic Committee 6/2/76
on meeting with U. of Miami Dean of Education re:
Youth Center. Committee will pursue and render
additional report at early date. Committee ad-
vised of interest by parties contacted.
Memo #5788, change order #14 for Youth Center, 7/7/76
PB -74, credit of $800.00 approved. Extension of
6 weeks, to Aug. 18, 1976, in completion date,
(NOT ON AGENDA) report of V.M. Haber and Coun-
cilman Meyerson re: utilization of services of
U. of Miami in relation to Youth Center. Com-
munication presented from Robert E. Hendricks,
(continued) Date
Assoc. Dean for Field Relations, School of Edu-
cation, U. of Miami, outlining two plans which
would involve School of Education in operation
of Youth Center. Admin. directed to respond to
letter sent by University, and make preliminary
contact that, when advisable, to then call in
Ad Hoc Committee to pursue matter further. Admini-
stration's letter to include a specific request
for preparation of a detailed proposal, in writing,
which can be studied by all relevant parties. 7/21/76
Discussion of operation of new Youth Center. 9/1/76
Memo #5866, report of Ad Hoc Committee on
Youth Center. Correspondence from U. of Miami
School of Education. Council concurred in