Youth Center_September to October 1976YOUTH CENTER 21-A
Councilman Sahl suggests letting out contract 9/13/76 -BW
for janitorial services for Youth Center.
Mayor Rosen requested Administration to con- 9/27/766
sider applying for an LEAA grant to assist in
funding Youth Center operation. (P.6)
Councilman Meyerson requests Administration 9/27/76B
to develop report on how much of the Community
School allocation of $40,000 was allocated to
youth -oriented activities which will transfer
to Youth Center, with the view of reducing the
Community School allocation. (P.20-21)
(continued) Date
Parks & Recreation Director's recommendations
that Youth Center be staffed with provisional
employees, with provision that before end of
90 -day period, program be evaluated and report
submitted to Council so that future operations
can be determined. Council was advised of
contemplated Oct. 10th opening of Youth Center. 9/1/76
Councilman Sahl requested Administration to 9/29/76
advertise for bids so as to concession various
phases of Youth Center operations.
Discussion re. delaying opening of Youth Center.9/29/76BH
Memo #5938, after hours security at M.B. Youth 10/20/76
Center. Withdrawn by City Mgr.
Mrs. Nancy Liebman, Chairman, appeared in con- 10/20/76
nection with award of contracts for Youth Center
pool tables and concession for coin operated
amusement games (C -2C, and D.). Prior to awarding
contracts, Council made following policy deci-
sions pertaining to Youth Center: 1) that pool
tables be made available to users of Center at
no extra charge; 2) that coin-operated amusement
machines may be used in Center,