Youth Center_December 1976 to April 1977YOUTH CENTER 26
(continued) Date
2. Dedication of Youth Center. City Mgr. advised
that no bids received and that operations would
be manned by City staff. Dedication set for
12/19/76; open house to follow 2:00 p.m. 12/9/76
Councilman Dr. Haber requested a report from 1/5/77
the Administration as to extending opening
hours of Youth Center and Library so as to
provide for use of these facilities evenings
and weekends.
Report as to extending opening hours of Youth 1/19/77
Center (Memo #6140) and Library(Memo #6141)
hours for use in the evenings and weekends.
Not reached. Deferred to 2/2/i7.
Memo #6174, eligibility of City employees' 2/2/77
children to join Youth Center. Matter re-
ferred to Ad Hoc Youth Center Advisory Com-
mittee as to impact on this facility, and
Fees to be charged.
Memo #6140, Youth Center hours of operation - 2/2/77
for information only. Master Ivan Ciment
appeared and requested that Youth Center be
open on Sundays. Recreation Div. Supervisor
advised that facility will be operated on
Sundays, commencing with week of March 16th.
(Deferred from 1/19/77).
Res. #77-15309 adopted, authorizing execution 4/6/77
of agreement with Mr. Harry Nilson for creation
of 17 - 4' x 8' wax -painted banners for the
skating rink, at a total fee of $7,000 in-
cluding all fabrication, casting and instal-
Res. #77-15310 adopted, authorizing execution 4/6/77
of agreement with Mr. Charles Perry for creation
of metal sculpture to be located on exterior of
Youth Center, at a total fee of $26,000 including
all fabrication, casting and installation.
Memo #6282, Food & Beverage Concession at 4/20/77
Flamingo Park & Youth Center for 2 yrs,