Youth Center_March to November 1978YOUTH CENTER 32
Commissioner Malek suggested that City-wide 3/20/78
recreation plan also take into consideration
utilization of Youth Center by adults on cer-
tain nights of the week. (See Comprehensive
Recreation and Open Space Master Development
(NOT ON AGENDA) Request of Mrs. Shirley 4/19/78
Greenbaum, representing Youth Center Advisory
Brd. for summer program rate reduction and
operating hours expansion. Request approved
for period from 5/1/78 thru 9/4/78, reducing
resident fees from $30 to $15 and non-resident
fees from $60 to $30, and increasing operating
hours to 7 -day, 77 hrs. per week, with
(continued) Date
scheduling to be arranged so as not to increase
personnel costs. (See Youth Center Adv. Brd.) 4/19/78
Memo #6960, discussion on signage for Youth 6/28/78
Center (requested by Commissioner Weisburd).
Administration directed to reject informal
bids received for original design and to re-
design, using the words "Miami Beach Recrea-
tional Youth Center", and to consider using a
free-standing sign.
Memo #7081, American Cancer Society request 9/6/78
for fee waiver of Convention Center for MB
Race of the Americas. Commission concurred
in Administration's proposed alternate site
for event. City Atty. and City Mgr. to
determine legalities relating to use of City
facilities by American Cancer Society for sale
of retail merchandise for fund raising. (See
Convention Center Complex)
Memo #7185, contract for janitorial services 11/15/78
at Recreational Youth Center for a 2 -yr.
period, bid amount: $48,756.59 (estimated).
Unsuccessful bidder appeared and contended
that his company submitted lowest bid. Bids
rejected and readvertisement authorized. Pur-
chasing Agent requested to provide status re-
port as to performance of a contractor who
presently has a contract and who is requesting
consideration of an additional contract.