Youth Center_March to December 1979YOUTH CENTER 38 (continued) Date request is for one time only, once a year. Ad- ministration authorized to make the Center al - able on a suitable date and time, for one time only. (See Recreation Dept., Mentally Retarded) 3/21/79 City Mgr. invited Commission and public to in- 6/6/79 spect new City vehicles-- two police cars (painting of which were result of suggestions received from Mayor and Commission for high visability vehicles) and Youth Center bus. Mote: L.T.C. No. 49-79 transmitting Police Chief's report on high visibility of police vehicles. (See Police Dept., Recreation Dept ) YOUTH CENTER 39 Date Memo #7677, Res. #79-16006 ado ted, authorizing 9/5/79 Settlement Agreement between . .B., Western Waterproofing, Inc., Seldin Construction Co., for corrections to surfaces of M.B. Youth Center tennis and basketball courts. Memo #7801, Bid award No. 71-79, maintenance 11/7/79 service contract for air conditioning and ice rink refrigeration equipment at Recreational Youth Center for a 5 -yr. period from date of award. Bid amount: $15,144.00 (payment for 1st yr.) Deferred to Nov. 21, 1979. (See Youth Center(Contracts)) YOUTH CENTER Mrs. Mary Uchitel and Mrs. Rose Vitale ap- peared and requested replacement of pool heating system, repair of filter, and intal- lation of a fence around pool to prevent vandalism. Mrs. Vitale also requested City to allow adults to use Recreational Youth Center's pool for a few hours on weekday morn- ings. The Administration was asked to meet with Mrs. Uchitel and her committee in an ef- fort to resolve these problems and meet needs of people. (See Flamingo Park) .4d Date 12/19/79