Zoning_January to February 1961ZONING 719 Book Page Hearing conducted to limit valet service facilities to use only by guests of hotel and to prohibit installation or use of laundry or dry cleaning equipment in such valet service facilities. City Atty outlines circumstances leading to hearing. lst reading ordinance amending Zoning Ord. 1-4-61 43 388 3rd reading ordinance re. dry cleaning, etc. in valet service facilities. Ord. #1411. 1-18-61 43 399 ZONING 720 Book Page Hearing conducted to consider amending Zoning Ord. and appropriate portions of Code to permit night clubs to sell liquor and provide entertainment until 6:00 A.M. instead of 5:00 A.M. and to allow 1/2 hr. for guests to leave. Application for change denied. 1-18-61 43 412 Rearing to consider excluding self-service laundries from "BA" and including in "BB"; also to permit coin-operated dry cleaning machines as an addl permissible use. lst reading ordinance excluding from "BA" and including in "BB" self-service laundries. Request to include self-service dry cleaning machines denied. Applicants to contact 476 City Mar. 2-1-61 43