Zoning_May to June 1961ZONING 724 Book Page Permission granted to extend operations of Bikur Cholim Kosher Convalescent Home of Greater Miami to include 318-322 Collins Avenue. 5-17-61 44 73 Permit granted Washington Federal Savings & Loan Assn for construction of branch bldg. on all of Lot 4, and the N.2 of Lot 5, Block 22, Ocean Beach #3, (1236 Washington Ave. - now occupied by Riverside Memorial Chapel) 5-17-61 44 73 ZONING 725 Book Page Res. #10572 calling hearing on 7/19/61 to consider increasing load capacity of domestic type coin operated washing machines in "BB" Business District from 10 lbs. tO 20 lbs. 6-21-61 44 98 Hearing re. rezoning 20' alley and 15 feet south thereof in Block 53, Orchard Sub. Nos. 2 & 3, to "BA' Business District continued until June 28, 1961 6-21-61 44 106 ZONING 726 Book Page Building Dept. to hold up on enforcement of certain zoning laws covering operation of retail bakeries until full discussion can be held. (Mrs. Harriet Simon of Sunshine Bakers appeared saying she operated a Kosher bakery and could not comply with' hours prescribed by law) 6-21-61 44 108 Hearing continued re. rezoning 20' alley and 15' south in Block 53, Orchard Sub. Nos. 2 & 3 to "BA" Business District. (alley in block between Sheridan Ave. and no name street south of 41st St.) Action on zoning change tabled to.later date and when consideration is to be given 6-28-61 44 114 CntvrClerk tornnotsf