Zoning_November 1961ZONING 733 Book Page Re. variance granted by Zoning Board to Dr. Joseph Burns, 1727 Meridian Ave., to remodel and use as medical office existing 2 -story garage and apt. structure on rear of property - City Atty authorized to institute proceedings to void action of Zoning Board. City Atty also to prepare appropriate amendment to Charter to provide that City Council shall be the final board on actions of Zoning Board and that amendment be sumitted to the electorate at earliest possible election. 11-1-61 44 262 ZONING 734 Book Page Council accepts Zoning Board's recommend- ation that request to rezone Lot 5, Blk 9, Flamingo Terrace Extension from "RC" Single- family Use to "RE" Multiple -family Use be denied. (Ben Wasser) 11-1-61 44 263 3rd reading amendment to Zoning Ordinance classifying dog grooming establishments in "BC" DEFERRED. 11-1-61 44 265 Atty Ben Cohen asks Council to review its action re. variance granted by Zoning Board to Dr. Joseph Burns, property at 1727 Meridian Ave. City Atty instructed to withhold suit so that Council can meet with Zoning Board to go over matter. 11-15-61 44 275 ZONING 735 Book Page Zoning amendment re. dog grooming parlors amended on 3rd reading. Ordinance as amended adopted placing dog and cat grooming parlors in "BC" Business District with certain restrictions. Ord. #1431 11-15-61 44 278 Zoning Board advises Council of variance granted George Jacobs re. 1970 Normandy Dr. Mayor Oka states above is zoning change not variance. City Atty asked to construe action of Zoning Board. Councilman Richard thinks some method should be established to stop Zoning Board from continuing along same course.Motion to contest ruling of Zoning Board in this case carries. (continued)