Zoning_February to March 1962ZONING
Book Page
Request made by Dr. Benjamin
Lowenberg for permission to operate
rest and nursing home at 1045 Dade Blvd.
(Lots 1, 2 and 3, Blk 11, Island View Sub.,
formerly known as Gray's Inn), property
zoned in "BA" Business District. Motion
to refer request to Zoning Board fails.
Hearing called on Mar. 21, 1962 to consider
amending zoning ordinance so as to permit
nursing homes in such appropriate business
district as may be determined by Council.
NOTE: On Feb. 22, 1962 this request
for zoning hearing was cancelled.
2-21-62 44 392
on 4/4/62 Book Page
Res. #10711 calling zoning hearing/to
consider rezoning Lots 1, 2, 11 and 12,
Blk 16, Normandy Beach South, in "BB"
Business District (property at s.w. cor.
Ind. Cr. Dr. and 71st St.) (Philip Rose)
3-7-62 44 405
Letter filed from Joe Cohen withdrawing
his request for zoning hearing to re=
classify former Gray's Inn property,
1045 Dade Boulevard. 3-7-62 44 419
Book Page
Request for hearing to consider
rezoning Lot 1, Flamingo Bay Sub. No. 1,
less portions thereof for street purposes,
(n.e. cor. Pine Tree Dr. & Arthur Godfrey Rd.)
for "RE" Multiple Family use, referred to
Zoning Board.(Gimbel property)
(Stanley Richard, atty) 3-21-62 44 421
Request for hearing to rezone Lots 2, 3, 4,
Flamingo Bay Sub. from "RA" to "RE" Multiple
Family Use referred to Zoning Board.
(Patrick McGrotty, atty) (property
north of above mentioned Gimbel property)
3-21-62 44 421