Zoning_July to August 1962ZONING- 751
Book Page
lst reading ordinance re. screening
of washing machines in self-service
laundries 7-5-62 45 7
3rd reading ordinance re. screening
washing machines in self-service laundries
deferred to August 1, 1962
7-18-62 45 14
Milton Grusmark, atty, requests rezoning
of property on s.w. cor. of Arthur Godfrey
Rd. and Alton Rd. to "RE"; but also asks
Council to consider rezoning same to a
"BAA" or "BAAA" Business classification.
Taken under advisement. 7-18-62 45
Book Page
Hearing conducted re. increasing size
of marquees at hotels. lst reading
ordinance amending Zoning Ord. by adding
at end of first par. of Subsection 3(e)
of Section 17, two additional provisions.
7-18-62 45 28
Action deferred on Milton Grusmark's
request to rezone property on west side
of Alton Road immediately south of
Julia Tuttle Causeway. 8-1-62 45 35
Book Page
Hearing conducted re. request to create
new 140' setback area between 75th and
76th Streets. Objections presented.
Proponent speaks. Hearing continued
to August 15, 1962. 8-1-62 45 44
3rd reading ordinance increasing
size of marquees at hotels -
Ord. #1453 8-1-62 45 45
Ordinance re. screening washing machines
in self-service laundries amended on
3rd reading. (includes closing time, etc.)
Ord. #1454 adopted as amended.
8-1-62 45 45