Zoning_October 1962ZONING 760 Book Page Hearing re. Doral Beach Hotel request for same service facilities as permitted in 100 room hotels in"RE"Multiple Family District. Request for zoning change denied. 10-3-62 45 127 1st reading ordinance defeated re. 118' setback in block between 75th and 76th Streets. (5/7 vote required) Comprehensive survey to be made by City Mgr. of this area projecting northward to the city limits to see under what circumstances additional area could be provided for additional bathing beaches or possibly.an ocean drive which would be ac ntrr1ation of Ocean Terrrth. ace all theway 45 129 ZONING 761 Book Page 3 readings given ordinance limiting height of buildings South of Lincoln Rd. Ord. #1464 passed as emergency measure. 10-10-62 45 138 3 readings given ordinance placing all land South of Lincoln Road in Parking District No. 3. Ord. *1465 passed as an emergency measure. 10-10-62 45 138 Res. #10832 calling hearing on 11/7/62 to consider placing all property in the City in Parking District No. 3, or such parcels as the Council may deem suitable for inclusion in such District. 10-10-62 45 139 ZONING 762 Book Page Res. #10833 calling hearing on 11/7/62 to consider creating an appropriate Height District limiting all buildings to a maximum height of 8 stories or 90 feet, and to include in this Height District all parcels of land in the City, or those parcels that may be deemed by Council to be included. 10-10-62 45 139 Res. *10837 calling zoning hearing on 11/7/62 to consider rezoning Lots 6 & 13, Blk 55, Fisher's 1st Sub. , (property on e.side of Collins, so. of Lincoln Rd. in 1600 block) from "RE" to "BAA" Business Use. 10-17-62 45 151